Expressions of Appreciation

Through deep coaching, I help entrepreneurs and unconventional leaders get powerful insights and take life-changing action.

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Nick Karr, MD

Founder & CEO of Citra Urgent Care

“I no longer fear the possibility of everything falling apart, and I have come to realize that I possess the necessary tools to navigate difficult situations with success.”

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Before working with Genya, my greatest fear was related to the necessity of ending my professional relationship with a toxic colleague. Additionally, I had internalized a belief that I lacked patience and was incapable of completing tedious tasks.

Thanks to Genya’s coaching, I have gained confidence in my ability to tackle challenges head-on. I no longer fear the possibility of everything falling apart, and I have come to realize that I possess the necessary tools to navigate difficult situations with success.

Furthermore, I have learned to distinguish between enjoying an activity and being proficient at it. Although I may not find reviewing documents and emails particularly enjoyable, I am capable of excelling at such tasks when I dedicate adequate time and focus to them. Lastly, I have discovered the value of allowing situations to unfold naturally.

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Alex Wolfe

Founder of EONS, Co-Founder of Circadian Wellness

“The man I was before has given way to a new version of myself one who views life with a fresh perspective, grounded in heart-centered awareness.”

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I want to take a moment to express my deepest gratitude for the profound impact BraveSoul Coaching has had on my life. Our one-on-one conversations have been transformative in ways I could have never imagined, and I am honored to share my journey with others.

Before we began our sessions, life felt like a never-ending cycle, much like the movie "Groundhog Day." I found myself stuck in repetitive patterns, caught in a loop of my own making. My thoughts were linear, and despite being aware of various healing modalities and practices, I struggled to embody them fully. My biggest challenge was my tendency to overthink, overdo, and overconsume – constantly overstimulating my mind while remaining disconnected from my true self.

I tried countless approaches to break free from this cycle. I immersed myself in sauna sessions, cold plunges, podcasts, books, and videos. I sought guidance from a myriad of coaches – business, physical, relationship, leadership, and public speaking coaches. Yet, despite all these efforts, I couldn't break through to my authentic self without the use of plant medicine. It felt like something was always missing, an elusive key that I couldn't quite grasp.

But then, Genya came into my life, and everything began to shift.

Now, I find myself with a new mind and a completely different perspective. I’ve started to let go of old identities and archetypes that no longer serve me. I am restructuring my foundational beliefs, reorganizing my priorities, and changing my energy in ways I never thought possible. It has been an incredible journey – one where I’ve learned to slow down, quiet my overstimulated mind, and expand my heart.

The tiny insights Genya helped me uncover have made the biggest difference. I’ve become more mindful, more aware of space consciousness, and I now ask myself better questions. I’ve learned that surrendering is not only possible but also incredibly liberating. The man I was before has given way to a new version of myself—one who views life with a fresh perspective, grounded in heart-centered awareness.

Genya's wisdom, compassion, and guidance have been instrumental in my transformation. I am eternally grateful for the space he's held for me, the insights he's shared, and the new path he's helped me forge. I thank him for being the catalyst for my growth and helping me become the man I am today.

With deep appreciation, love and gratitude,
Alex Wolfe

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Nicolle Kopping-Pavars

Author, Teacher, Healer, & Coach; Former Lawyer at Lotus Law

“I was able to open the door to give life to what was longing to be released. Now, I am so sure of myself and what I am meant to be doing.”

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Before working with Genya, I struggled with the challenges of burnout as a Lawyer in a world that places great emphasis on money and financial success. I was afraid to embark on a new life direction from within those parameters.

Genya gently made me look at my discomfort in a unique way with a different perspective. I always walked away from a session with a beautiful acceptance and appreciation. Each session ended with a new idea, a new goal, and a sense of deep connection. He saw the seed of inspiration in me and encouraged me to bring it to the surface and allow it to blossom in a way that was authentic, true, and natural. He called to it in such a way that I just knew it had to grow, because my higher self had been reached, heard, and understood.

Genya's support and coaching gave me the courage to take the leap and create my other business. His perspective always nudged me to go one step further and showcase my uniqueness. He pushed me to take action, to stop making excuses, and to establish a business for the world to see. Genya didn’t allow me to just talk the talk, he pushed me to walk the walk and do something, to be accountable and brave. Genya saw the dream within and helped me make it a reality.

Now, I am so sure of myself and what I am meant to be doing. I am a Healer and a Teacher.

My new business allows me to help heal and teach in a way I didn’t know was possible. Trusting his guidance was single-handedly the best decision I made.

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Pedja Milosavljevic

Filmmaker Entrepreneur

“I bounce back quicker and feel more aligned with my SoulSet.”

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Prior to beginning my work with Genya, I struggled with maintaining consistency on my spiritual path. As a result, I found myself unconsciously oscillating between two polar aspects of my personality. I experienced periods of intentional living, characterized by self-awareness and a sense of greater purpose, followed by burnout or negative experiences that pushed me into a reactive and unconscious state. Although I eventually reached a point where the pain of not changing was greater than the pain of change, my shift was not transmutational and the cycle would continue indefinitely.

In these situations, escapism through social media or food only perpetuated the state of mind I was in and dragged me deeper into an unsustainable way of living. While I still experience momentary lapses into old habits and thought patterns that don’t serve me, I bounce back quicker and feel more aligned with my SoulSet.

With Genya’s guidance, I’ve been able to establish clear boundaries and only take on projects that align with my mission and goals, offer inspiring collaboration, or present invaluable learning opportunities. I have a greater awareness of my thoughts and actions and a better understanding of their origins, resulting in greater patience and compassion during disagreements.

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Cindy Abbott

Registered Acupuncturist, Registered Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioner, Medical Qi Gong Practitioner

“I was able to drop the fears of making mistakes, any shame or self doubt, and instead to welcome and play with it all. I felt encouraged to get out of my comfort zone and dare to open to my potential.

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I am beyond grateful to the coaching I have been doing with Genya. Genya holds such a sacred, unconditional space that I was able to drop into unlimited possibilities of who I am. I feel Genya has a skill of bringing out my superpowers in a playful way, which allowed me to drop the fears of making mistakes, any shame or self doubt, and instead to welcome and play with it all. I felt in this space I was able to feel safe and felt encouraged to get out of my comfort zone and dare to open to my potential. Since working with him I feel my work continues to expand and grow.

I feel Genya’s work is life changing. His work is not for the faint of heart. He is deeply committed to his clients and he expects the same commitment from you. With your solid commitment your work becomes even more sacred and top priority. In this space anything is possible! The more you show up for yourself the more possibility opens in you.

His work is alive, in the moment, deeply heart-based, and powerful. I highly recommend Genya’s coaching. His heart, his presence and his wisdom are a gift.

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Thomas Clark

Co-Founder of Capo Clark Professional Corporation, Barristers & Solicitors

“I found a place where I could confide, seek refuge, and refine my inner wisdom free from the judgments of the world.”

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During a period of major life change, I searched for my highest purpose and truth. Books and self-help lost their efficacy. I met Genya and learned of what he could offer and swiftly engaged his assistance. Within Genya’s heart, I found a place where I could confide, seek refuge, and refine my inner wisdom free from the judgments of the world.

Our one-on-one sessions left me with a deep and unwavering faith in my intuition and capabilities which has since led to many successes. I have started my own law practice and serve clients with great insight and empower them with their own problem-solving techniques. The relationships in my life have expanded in ways I’ve only dreamed could be possible.

Life feels more honest and authentic after my sessions with Genya.

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Dory Noorafkan

Psychotherapist & Coach

“The positive changes I've experienced in different areas of my life speak volumes. I've evolved into a better teacher, more influential coach, and more effective therapist.”

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Genya is an amazing coach and mentor who has truly helped me grow, both personally and professionally. His guidance has been crucial in my personal growth, expertly showing me the intricate connection between body and mind.

Genya's holistic approach to well-being has been life-changing, helping me evolve into a better teacher, more influential coach, and more effective therapist. The positive changes I've experienced in different areas of my life speak volumes about his skills and dedication as a coach and mentor.

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Mark Shapiro

Music Director, Founder & CEO of Main Event Music

“I now feel more centered and empowered than ever before. I have a greater understanding of how to grow, find balance, and tap into my inner strength.”

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My greatest fear during the pandemic was that I wouldn’t be able to handle the uncertainty and the many changes it brought. I lacked confidence in my ability to manage the situation and found it difficult to balance my work, family, and music career. At the time, I was overwhelmed, anxious, and struggling to maintain a positive mindset. My poor dietary choices were also causing me to gain weight, and despite my efforts to find consistency, I always seemed to end up back at square one.

Since starting to work with Genya, I have been introduced to various modalities that have allowed me to look within myself and find balance, progress, and power in all aspects of my life. I now feel more centered and empowered than ever before. I have a greater understanding of how to grow, find balance, and tap into my inner strength. My stress levels have decreased significantly, and I have established consistent health and daily practices that are essential for my growth and the harmony of my surroundings.

As a result of this transformation, my business, ideas, and processes are now moving smoothly, and my family life is more consistent and driven by love and patience. Although there are still challenges and difficult days, I no longer feel stuck in a rut. Thanks to Genya’s guidance, I have gained the tools and confidence to live a more fulfilling and balanced life.

Our one-on-one sessions left me with a deep and unwavering faith in my intuition and capabilities which has since led to many successes. I have started my own law practice and serve clients with great insight and empower them with their own problem-solving techniques. The relationships in my life have expanded in ways I’ve only dreamed could be possible.

Life feels more honest and authentic after my sessions with Genya.

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Chris Kelly

Co-Founder & CEO of Drift Wood Paddle

“As an entrepreneur, I struggled with self-doubt, which hindered my ability to fully show up for my dreams and honor myself in my daily life.”

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Working with Genya as my coach has had a profound impact on my life. As an entrepreneur, I struggled with self-doubt,which hindered my ability to fully show up for my dreams and honor myself in my daily life. Genya has been a valuable source of support in simplifying my life and making consistent progress by meeting me where I am and providing guidance that resonates deeply.

Previously, I would try the same strategies repeatedly, only to become overwhelmed and never fully commit to any system, leaving me starting over with little traction. Genya’s coaching has given me the confidence to ask for help without feeling weak or admitting failure.

The most significant gift Genya has given me is his unwavering belief in my abilities. He sees my strengths and weaknesses and offers direct guidance that creates a necessary shift in mindset and approach to take on my next project with more clarity and ease.

Genya shares his depth of experience and vulnerability, making me feel more capable, competent, deserving of achieving my goals, kinder to myself, and empowered to be the man I am proud to be.

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Matthew Pugliese

Co-Founder & CEO of Social Seed Agency

“Before, I had been living on autopilot, going through the motions without intention or mindfulness. Now, I approach my business, personal life, and relationships from a bird’s eye view.”

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Rather than struggling with fear and doubt, my challenge was navigating the unknown. I had been solely focused on my career, without considering my personal growth and purpose. Working with Genya expanded my horizons and revealed the vast canvas of my life, with only a small portion yet painted.

Before, I had been living on autopilot, going through the motions without intention or mindfulness. Though I attempted meditation and breathing techniques, they lacked direction and purpose. I was simply doing things for the sake of doing them.

Now, I approach my business, personal life, and relationships from a bird’s eye view, considering the impact of my actions on others. I’ve developed solid daily and weekly practices that promote my own growth. Genya has guided me in discovering more about myself and continues to offer valuable lessons. My hero’s journey is only just beginning.

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Jeff Kolenikowicz

Entrepreneur & Life Coach

“I gained the confidence to make a radical change in my life and embark on a new career path.”

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I was facing a dilemma in my career path as I had a vague idea of pursuing coaching, but I lacked clarity on how to go about it. Moreover, transitioning from a lucrative career that I had pursued for a long time seemed daunting, and I feared failure and losing everything. Although I was working with another coach, I felt something was missing.

After starting sessions with Genya, I gained the confidence to make a radical change in my life and embark on a new career path. I now prioritize daily practices of meditation, breathwork, and movement, and I am more compassionate towards myself. Genya’s coaching sessions have provided me with inspiration and a structure that aligns with my priorities. Through Genya’s guidance and deep coaching work, I have gained insight into why my behavior patterns were not in line with the life I wanted to lead.

I am grateful to Genya for his generosity and belief in me. He has helped me recognize my gifts and encouraged me to share them with the world.

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Alex Bartolomeo

Serial Entrepreneur

“I learned to love myself for who I am and gained a greater understanding of my relationships with myself and with others.”

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Prior to working with Genya as my coach, I struggled with self-doubt and lacked confidence in my decision-making abilities. I frequently questioned whether I was good enough, if my responses were appropriate and if my goals were achievable. As a result, I found it challenging to take my business and personal life to the next level, often procrastinating instead of making progress.

Despite trying various tools such as meditation, reading, and learning about personal development, business, spirituality, and breathing exercises, I still struggled to apply what I had learned to achieve the desired results. I felt like I was stuck in a cycle of not making progress.

However, after working with Genya, I was able to recognize that my past did not define me, and I was able to confront and process past traumas that I had suppressed. Through this deep work, I learned to love myself for who I am and gained a greater understanding of my relationships with myself and with others. By breaking down limiting beliefs and gaining newfound confidence, I was able to achieve significant growth in my business, increasing sales by almost 100%. In fact, I am even launching a new startup this year and have invested in another company.

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Ariel Benavidez

Coach & Experiential Curator

“I am now living a life that has brought harmony to my mind, heart, body, and soul.”

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Genya is a special soul. From the moment I met him, I felt my path would unfold in ways I never before thought possible. Beyond all his teachings, his wisdom, his practical advice, and his motivation the greatest value I’ve gained is the experience of having Presence modeled for me.

I’ve read all the books, I’ve done all the courses, and I’ve gone to all the classes…but the process of sitting and spending time with someone who is a living embodiment of presence cannot be boxed up and packaged, it has to be felt!

Before working with Genya I was lost with no sense of direction. I didn’t know who I was or what I wanted and so all my efforts felt meaningless and all my suffering felt unbearable.

My biggest barrier was my inability to translate my ‘knowing’ into ‘doing’. And through working with Genya he’s taught me that by learning to ‘be’ the ‘doing’ will happen naturally.

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Arthur Bekerman


“These skills have helped me become more confident and focused on finding the truth in an argument, rather than just trying to win it.”

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Despite experiencing fears and doubts, I didn’t pay them much attention. However, I struggled with controlling my anger, maintaining a level tone, and effectively communicating, both in listening and speaking. Initially, I dismissed these issues as normal, without much effort to address them. Although I read self-help books and articles, the lessons tended to fade quickly.

But everything changed when I began working with Genya. Most significantly, I improved my self-awareness by recognizing when my heart rate was increasing, indicating that I was about to get angry in a given situation. I also began to check and evaluate my actions in all aspects of my behavior. Additionally, Genya guided me how to identify and express my emotions and to listen more attentively. These skills have helped me become more confident and focused on finding the truth in an argument, rather than just trying to win it.

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Cuauhtemoc Velazquez


“Now I have the tools to deal with situations where life doesn’t go as planned, and have learned to reframe my resistance to these situations as opportunities for growth.”

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Before meeting Genya, I felt stuck creatively, I was insecure, afraid about speaking my truth, making art, and expressing myself, I was terrified of being rejected, of not being good enough, thinking there was something wrong with me, and most importantly I had no idea what to do about it, I had been struggling with creative block and a general feeling of unworthiness for years, which impacted all areas of my life, the opportunities I believed I was worthy of pursuing, and my relationships revolved around getting validation, not really knowing where all these doubts and fears were coming from.

I tried traditional therapy, I did psychoanalysis for about two years, and while it was helpful to explore the relationship with my parents, I felt like I would just go twice a week to marinate in my problems, not being really brave enough to go deeper, and gaslighting myself, thinking that I was making progress, but in fact, not much was changing practically in my life. I would simply talk about something that was troubling me, and proceeded to dismiss myself and try to convince myself that I was fine because I understood rationally what I needed to do to feel better. With Genya, I learned to really hold space for myself, for those emotions that are stuck for years, and listen to them, learn to feel them in the body, and not approach things solely from the mental point of view. I learned to listen to my body.

Today, I’m well into my path, consistently putting in work, and chipping away at my creative blocks through consistent, intentional action. I’ve pursued opportunities that I would never feel worthy of in the past, I’ve changed career paths, found the courage to design the life that I want, and go after it. I’m aware of my needs and have strategies in place to meet them in a consistent matter. I have improved the quality of my relationships, I’ve learned to set boundaries with loved ones, to let go of those who are no longer aligned with my path, and made a whole bunch of beautiful, genuine new friendships, and all it took was to learn to be myself, and not curate how I behave to get approval. Most importantly, I have the tools to deal with situations where life doesn’t go as planned, and have learned to reframe my resistance to these situations as opportunities for growth. Genya taught me to find that golden nugget of wisdom in each challenge and fear and even be grateful for all the crucial lessons that arise from facing them. This is an invaluable skill that I’ll always cherish and I’ll always be deeply grateful to Genya.

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Fedor Bondar

Musician, Song Writer & Entrepreneur

“This experience marked a new chapter in my business, with a deeper understanding of my inner knowledge and self-confidence.”

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I had a dream of hosting an intimate musical gathering that aligned with my soul’s purpose for a long time, but I kept procrastinating. Despite having organized festivals with up to 500 participants before, I was afraid of success at a different level and feared taking the big leap to fulfill my dream. I was distracted by other things and wasn’t focusing on what I truly wanted to create.

During my coaching sessions with Genya, he asked powerful questions that helped me to narrow my focus and identify my true desires as a musician and event producer. With his guidance and support, I organized music events with wonderful people, without the need for alcohol or substances to stimulate creativity and socialization. This experience marked a new chapter in my business, with a deeper understanding of my inner knowledge and self-confidence.

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Jordan Bokser

Entrepreneur and Coach

“I’m now able to say NO to what doesn't serve me.”

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Before working with Genya, I thought I was in a good place. On the surface life seemed good, I had a good-paying job, I was in a relationship, and I felt like I had it all figured out. 

However, after the first sessions with Genya, I started to see the masks that were there and I was able to look under the "hood" of my life to realize I was petrified of the unknown and deep down didn't feel worthy of love or success. This lack of worthiness showed up in many places in my life. I was constantly comparing myself to others while feeling like an imposter anytime I did succeed. My life also lacked structure and discipline. I kept going from teacher to teacher, coach to coach. I would do the surface work but I wouldn't go deep. 

The biggest gift Genya has given me is the gift of trusting myself and making me see myself as the true being that I am. He also has given me the gift of being able to say NO to what doesn't serve me. My life is calmer, my mission feels bigger yet achievable, and I have stopped playing the comparison game. Life overall has a sweeter taste to it.

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Armando Sosa

“I now find myself in a position to approach my own questions with greater patience, insight, and breadth of perspective. My outlook has expanded significantly, and I'm feeling increasingly at ease with myself.”

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Before our sessions began, I was filled with doubt and uncertainty about my path. I grappled with overlapping questions about myself, my priorities, and my future.

Rather than providing answers or solutions, he provided thought-provoking suggestions that I hadn’t considered. During our sessions, I always felt confident bringing up any topic, knowing he was ready to delve as deep as necessary and that his wisdom, care, and energy would remain consistent.

Even through a screen he was able to gauge the energy of the interaction and was always careful to check with me for further thoughts or any pending items. His clear boundaries from the outset fostered a trusting relationship.

Some of the exercises designed to direct my attention outward remain challenging. As such, I will continue practicing them. This process has also highlighted the potential for intentionally directing attention and intention. I am truly grateful to have encountered such a mentor.