Come Home to your True Nature

Open to the totality of your Being and allow your life to be changed in ways you could never imagine

"The truth is that you already are what you are seeking.”
- Adyashanti

With all that's happening in our lives and in the world today, it's easy to question: "How do we support ourselves and how do we support each other in these complex times?" Maybe times have always been complex, but it certainly seems to feel more tangible today.

You may have read or heard phrases like 'I am not my thoughts,' 'I am not what I think about myself,' and 'The world is not what I think about it.' There is something more fundamental to my Being, and your Being, and everyone's Being. When I sit with that, there's a great sense of Peace and Harmony, even with all of life's challenges.

It's not that the practice makes everything that's happening okay - because there certainly is sorrow and pain. What is being offered is not to avoid or deny that reality - it's to explore together what is true, what is actually happening beyond our conditioning.

Peace, harmony, a feeling of home, and groundedness - we can explore this together through a direct experience. Then life begins to live itself through you, rather than you struggling to live life and having a constant need to figure stuff out.

If any of the above resonates with you, we invite you to read more and join us at Circles of Presence.

Olya, Genya, & Zina

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